PipeFlare Faucet (ZEC + PIVX)

➡️ Claim free ZEC  every 20 hours + PIVX every 24 hours ⬅️


Open the PipeFlare Faucet now and claim free ZCash (ZEC) + PIVX tokens every 20 hours. If you link your social media accounts you will get 1.9x multiplier. After using the Faucet for 6 consecutive days, you’re eligible for a bonus spin that is worth up to $5. Our step-by-step guide makes it as easy as possible for you to get your free tokens.

➡️ PIPEFLARE FAUCET: Step-by-step ⬅️

Pipeflare Faucet ZEC PIVX

1. Register on PipeFlare Faucet website + Verify your email

2. Login + Click on ‘My rewards’

3. Submit ZCASH (ZEC) wallet address (available at Trust Wallet)

4. Submit PIVX wallet address (available at Coinomi Wallet)

5. Receive ZCASH (ZEC) + PIVX

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